Monday, April 20, 2009

A trip to Twentynine Palms Air Ground Combat Center - Part 2

I was able to find the computer cord for my Nikon Camera and download more pictures off of it. You can enlarge the pictures to full size by clicking on them. Below is a picture of the Joshua Tree National Park that gives a better view of the piles of rock that I mentioned in the previous entry.

Below are some pictures of Lisa's living quarters.

That is Cheryl and Lisa standing on the sidewalk.

Lisa's room. Her bed is behind Cheryl.

Her bowling shirt. She made it clear, "I only wear this when sleeping!"

OK, room inspection was the day before. It is apparent that they have several days to forget the neat and clean look.

Lisa and her roommate Chrystal showing us their "Rock Band" video game skills. Their band is the Taxis; it's a long story that involves some red-hot junk food chips made in Mexico.

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