Thursday, April 9, 2009

Injury Report

Ever since somewhere towards the end of recruit training Lisa has had a pain issue with her hip. Mostly she just did the grin-and-bear-it routine because if you go to medical during Marine Recruit Training you can wind up being moved back to another platoon which means having to try and fit in with a new group of recruits and graduating later then you wanted. The other factor is that going to medical is one way that some recruits use to try and get discharged. When she was in school at Camp Johnson it was common for them to have to run 5-7 miles several times a week and the problem just got worse.

In any case, after several exams and x-rays, her doctor has determined that Lisa has a torn muscle near her hip that needs rest to heal. That is the bad news but the better news is that there are no fractures or issues with the hip joint.

Hip problems seem to be common among the female Marines coming out of Recruit Training and schooling. One of Lisa's platoon mates broke her hip during the Crucible. The packs they have to wear are standard issue and not designed for females the way that you would see in female specific backpacks at REI. As a result the hip belts tend to concentrate the pressure across a narrow band of the hip and according to her doctor the running done with these 40-60 pound packs can effectively mash the muscle up against the hip bone causing the tear. Painful just to thing about!

But at least Lisa now has a good diagnosis and will be starting a therapy program to help her recovery along.

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